In contemporary business world it is very difficult for anymanufacturer to carry business in long run without predetermined efficient sales management. The modern market is witnessing increasing number of new player every day. In order to earn exceptionally high profit and to gain competitive edge in the market a manufacturer need best sales force management. In this regard to make the sales management more efficient and easier PepUpsales is offering unparallel sales force automation (SFA) app. The app proves to be play very crucial role in providing competitive edge to manufacturers. The app captures and maintains vital sales data that helps in providing new shape to total sales channels. Further, the SFA app can be easily installed in any android mobile phones that offer it convenient to carry at different locations. Let us see how SFA app helps manufacturers in framing best sales management system.
Track Sales Activities

Traditionally, it was the toughest job to monitor sales activities at grass root level. Introduction of SFA has made it much easier job to monitor the activities of sales personals working their respective area on real time basis. The app is not just limited in tracking the activities of salesmen but it also delivers complete and reliable information of order management, sales, deliveries, dispatches, distribution, and product performance. In case where a manufacturer is providing any discounts, coupons, and scheme on bulk purchases the app automatically update while order is taken or during sales proceeds.
Efficient Management of Distribution Channels

SFA app is very simple and can be efficient used for keeping the records of various intermediaries like distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and salesmen involved in sales proceeds. A manufacturer can upload the details of sales intermediaries like their name, location, address, phone number, and other vital information. Further, the manufacturers can also classify the distributors according to their area and market coverage. During taking orders salesmen have complete updates of the existing, upcoming, and outdated products of manufactures along with the running and upcoming schemes. The app also updates about retailers automatically and provide the all detail regarding prospective market till the last mile.
Reduces the chances of errors and manipulation
As we know SFA app operates via android mobile phones; thus, every order is noted and updated via touch screen. No stationary is involved for recording and maintaining sales proceeds. Further, while taking order discounts and schemes are automatically allowed on sales proceeds of salesmen. Therefore, the chances of any error are eliminated during sales. At times, a manufacturer may experiences that the sales proceeds consists manipulated data, which can affect future profitability and decision making. The app works on real time basis and everything that is recorded by it is directly stored to centralized system. Thus, its role is very crucial in strong sales management system.
At present sales force automation app can be easily purchased online at comfort. If you are still wondering for better sales force management then it’s a high time to opt for SFA app to take your business to next level.
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